Vital Waters - Exhibition Review

The Vital Waters exhibition is currently held at the Sangre de Cristo Art Museum from June 5, 2021 to January 21, 2022. It is showcasing photography taken by Ansel Adams, Ernest Brooks, Dorothy Kerper Monnelly, Scott Campbell (who was born in Pueblo), Chuck Davis, Ryuijie Douglas, Camille Lenore and Robin V Robinson, specifically highlighting the works of Ansel Adams. I know that's a lot of names but credit should be given where credit is due. When you enter the exhibit you almost wonder where the color is, but the more photographs you come across, the more you think how fitting it was. One wall of the exhibition told about the artists (general info like what they accomplished, where they were from, etc.) There was also an old camera on display closer to the "About the Artists" wall than any other. Although I thought the room lacked color, when I think back to some of the photographs I don't remember them in black and white, they'v...